Legal notice
The entity responsible for this website is BARBERAN, S.A., with tax identification number (NIF) A08438194, registered office at c/Galileo, 3-9, Pol. Ind. Camí Ral, 08860, Castelldefels (Barcelona) and registered with the Business Registry of Barcelona in Volume 3493, Book 2849, Section 2, Folio 150 and Page 36913. You can contact BARBERÁN S.A. by telephone on 936350810 and by e-mail at
This website and these terms of use are intended solely and exclusively for users of legal age acting as professionals. Minors and persons acting as consumers should refrain from accessing this website.
Accessing and browsing this website implies full acceptance of these terms of use.
Users undertake to use this website and the contents, products and services offered on it in accordance with the laws, with these terms of use, with good customs and public order. In particular:
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All rights reserved. The content of this website (photographs, designs, plans, drawings, texts, illustrations, logos, graphics, source code, etc…, as well as its structure and design, the selection and form of presentation of the materials included in it and the computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use) is the exclusive property of BARBERAN S.A. This content may not be reproduced, either totally or partially, by any means,
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Likewise, all trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in this website are protected by law, so that no user is authorised to make improper use of them or appropriate them.
Under no circumstances does the use of this website imply the granting by BARBERÁN S.A. of any licence or authorisation for personal use by any user of the intellectual and industrial property rights or any other right related to this website and the services offered thereon.
The reproduction (save for private use), distribution, commercialisation, transformation and, in general, any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of this website shall constitute an infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of BARBERÁN S.A. and/or, where applicable, of whoever owns them.
Infringement of the aforementioned rights will be prosecuted.
Responsibility for the use of the website
BARBERÁN S.A. uses all reasonable efforts and means to provide reliable information on the website. However, it cannot guarantee the absence of possible inaccuracies, errors and/or omissions, for which it is not responsible.
The user is solely responsible for any infringements that may be incurred and any damage that may be caused by the use of the website. BARBERÁN S.A., its employees and representatives shall be held liable for any kind of liability that may arise from the harmful actions carried out by the user.
The user is solely responsible for any claim or legal action, judicial or extrajudicial initiated by third parties against BARBERÁN S.A. for the use of this website. Therefore, the user shall assume any expenses,
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Responsibility for the operation of the website
BARBERÁN S.A. shall not be liable for any interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone faults or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system caused by external causes.
Nor shall it be liable for delays or blockages in the operation of the electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloading of telephone lines or the Internet, or for damage caused by third parties through unlawful interference beyond the control of BARBERÁN S.A.
BARBERÁN S.A. is empowered to temporarily suspend, without prior notice, access to the website for maintenance, repair, updating or improvement operations, which in no case shall generate a right to compensation for users.
Liability for third party links
The links contained in this website may lead to other websites managed by third parties. These links are solely intended to provide users with other sources of information on a specific subject. BARBERÁN S.A. is not responsible for the information found on these third-party websites, for the correct functioning of the links, for the results obtained through these links, for the veracity and legality of the content or information that can be accessed, nor for any damages that a user may suffer by accessing these links or making use of the information found there.
To learn more about the processing of personal data, you can access the privacy policy.
Users guarantee that the personal data they provide while browsing this website are correct, true and accurate. Likewise, they undertake not to provide material or information of any kind that infringes any legal provision or third-party rights.
BARBERÁN S.A. may modify, develop or update the terms of use of this website at any time and without prior notice. Users are obliged to comply with the terms of use in force at the time they access the website,
and should therefore periodically read these terms of use.
Spanish law shall apply for the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities carried out therein. The parties expressly submit themselves to the Spanish legislation, and to the courts and tribunals of Barcelona for the resolution of disputes arising from or related to its use. Any user may make claims or contact BARBERAN S.A. by sending an e-mail to